Holy Prophet( PBUH)drowned the distribution and offered people love, unity,and equality.

Alfaqr Tv

by Alfaqr Tv

حضور رسالتمآبﷺ نے تقسیم کو مٹا کر لوگوں کو محبت، اخوت اور مساوات کی لڑی میں پرویا۔
[ گفتگو: صاحبزادہ سلطان احمد علی صاحب ]

What was the real cause behind disagreements and divergence that led Quraish astray, dispatching their elders to the way of hell and invoking their condemnation in Quran? Why did they deny the faith when Prophet (PBUH) presented it before them. It was because the Holy Prophet (PBUH) demolished the false distinctions in the Arab society. The distinctions between the upper class and the lower class, between master and slave, between the rich and the poor were all levelled down. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) made a rosary of love, fraternity and equality of them. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that until we are joined by love and affection, the blessings of Allah will continue to rain upon our head. And success will be our companion.