Directed by : Carlos Franklin
Produced by : Les Poissons Volants
Genre: Animated film - Runtime: 5 min 56 seconds
Production year: 2017
Diego Velázquez, behind his easel, stares at us. His gaze is inviting. We pass through to the other side of this painting-mirror and enter the heart of the work to share with the artist the enigmatic and dizzying echoes that he constantly plays with. Between illusion and reality, Velázquez steals away our senses and endlessly questions our reason.
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Produced by : Les Poissons Volants
Genre: Animated film - Runtime: 5 min 56 seconds
Production year: 2017
Diego Velázquez, behind his easel, stares at us. His gaze is inviting. We pass through to the other side of this painting-mirror and enter the heart of the work to share with the artist the enigmatic and dizzying echoes that he constantly plays with. Between illusion and reality, Velázquez steals away our senses and endlessly questions our reason.
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