A Rational Discussion On Guns In America

  • 6 years ago
What is the answer to the violence problem in America? Attorney Marc J. Victor thinks it's time we had a rational discussion on guns in America. What do you think the answer to this problem is? We have all heard the arguments from both the left and the right. But what about a more rational position?

Not the extreme position of the left that would like to see all private gun ownership banned, and only the government have guns by means of the military and law enforcement. Not the extreme position of the right that thinks anyone should be allowed to possess a firearm, no matter if they are competent or not.

Libertarian Attorney Marc J. Victor suggests a different approach, and he would like to know what you think?

Note: This is called "rational" conversation on guns. If you have something rational to add, I would love to hear it. What I am not interested in hearing is irrational arguing or name calling. Anyone who is not capable of having a rational conversation will be removed along with their comments. Learn how to make your points without using ad hominem attacks or straw men arguments.