8 Insanely Maternal Animals

  • hace 6 años
From Orangutan Mom to Alligator Mom and even monkey mom here are 8 Insanely Maternal Animals. Share with a mother you love!\r
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5. Alligator Mom\r
Of all the animals in the world, we would have never guessed an alligator mom to be protective. That is unless, of course, she used her huge and intimidating snarl to ward off unwanted threats to her babys well being. One of the absolute coolest things about an alligators pregnancy is that she doesnt waste her time sitting on eggs all day. Instead, she produces a nest and piles on mounds of rotting vegetation that in turn produces heat and keeps the eggs warm. And get this: apparently the warmer a nest is, the more likely the eggs are to be produced as males. After two months of hanging out in a pile of rot, the eggs are hatched and the gator mama scoops her babies into her mouth. Before you jump to any crazy conclusions- an alligator mother never eat her babies. She puts them in her jaw bone so that they can find their way to water and small food sources. We bet when the baby gators get too old for their mothers mouths they reluctantly exclaim “but MOM, I am NOT a baby anymore! I dont want to get in your mouth.”\r
4.Monkey Mom\r
This maddened monkey mama is living proof that a mother always knows best and will always fiercely protect her children no matter what. This incident took place in India when an overzealous black dog tried to take this adorable little baby monkey away from its mother. But that wasnt going to happen in her eyes.Monkey mother and their children experience a bond thats ually pretty amazing. As a matter of f, the study rhesus monkeys and their maternal instincts helped to examine one the first physiological aspects of “nature versus nurture”. In 1950, psychologist Harry Harlow proved that a mother nurturing her baby did much more developmentally for the child rather than just relying on the physiology of the animal, or, the nature aspect. He once theorized that mothers are “psychological base of operations” for their children, allowing them to play and feel safe. \r
3.Polar Bears\r
According to the ever popular wildlife source Animal Planet, “male polar bears are the kings of one night stands”. If that wasnt bad enough, a female polar bear usually gains 400 pounds as a result of her pregnancy. Being a single mother shows strength and resilience, but can you imagine doing it all on your own? Its critical that a female polar bear gains this weight, however; because her body is at risk for “reabsorbing the fetus” if she does not find proper nutrition. All of that pain can be sort of remedied by the f that a polar bear gets to sleep through the birthing of her baby. And no- a doctor doesnt come in and put her under anestia. She just burrows herself in a snow pile and falls asleep. Polar Bears are only with their mothers for two years before they are sent off into the world. That seems like an awfully short amount of time. Aw! And just think of it this way- this picture of the widely known “Coca Cola Polar Bears” is ually of a super boss single mother. Were going to buy a pack of Coke Classic now. And no, this isnt product placement. \r
2.Cheetah Mom\r
The Cheetah mom might be the mightiest of all, as she is usually responsible for keeping 4 to 6 rambunctious cheetah cubs in line at all times. Well put it this way- the cheetah mom is that gracious and patient mother that always seemed to be driving 5 hyper nine year old boys to soccer price in her minivan at literally any given time. The cheetah mom has to show extreme diligence with her cubs, as they are not born with survival instincts. Can you imagine having to yell “hey! Dont go over there until youre ready” to six kids all day long, day after day? It takes two years for the cheetah mom to properly teach her children how to survive in the wild. Once her cubs leave her, she goes on to start a second family. This just proves that having stepsiblings and half siblings is ually pretty common from an evolutionary sense. \r
1.Orangutan Mom\r
Remember this controversial TIME Magazine cover back from new? This mom caused a frenzy when she announced that she was still breastfeeding her child, even though he was three years old. Historically, doctors have recommended that it is the safest bet to wean children of breastfeeding mothers away from the habit as late as 6 months after their birth date. Date we suggest that everyone just needs to relax after learning about the fascinating material bond of the Orangutan and its babies. The orangutan mother is known as late as 6 or 7 years old, making it the longest dependence period of any animal on the planet. These mothers are


