Warning to Pregnant Mothers - Toxic Dose of Aluminum in the Tdap


by Kihujuvi

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Crisis of toxins being injected into children. Why are we seeing so much autism. Rate of Autism 1 - 2 / 10,000 in USA in the 1980s. That represented 400 autistic cases in the USA a year. Now with autism rates at 1/88 to 1/100 that means of 4 million annual births we have about 40,000 new autism cases in the USA each year and the rates seem to be rising. Mercury in vaccines until about 2001 was proven to show no link between vaccines and autism. Alas that data is no longer available to be analysed independently.\r
No decrease in autism from 2001 when the thimerosal (mercury) was removed from vaccines. The alumium load was increased to newborns in 2001 when the Hepatitis B vaccine was moved from being given to teens to giving this to all newborns. Hepatitis B vaccine has 250 micrograms of aluminum. This may account for the rise in autism despite having the thimerosal (mercury) taken out.\r
The ACIP (American Committee Immunization Prices) branch of the CDC - now recommends the Dtap (with its 330 micrograms of aluminum - or more) be given to every pregnant mom in the USA. Whats disturbing is that we know from studies and from the FDA that we are not to exceed 4 - 5 micrograms of aluminum / Kg /day for newborns.\r
Giving this high aluminum vaccine to every pregnant mom in America will be a toxic load of a magnitude that defies logic and reason. 4 million new pregnancies poisoned. The unborn child would be getting a dose of a known neurotoxin - aluminum - that may be well over 100 times (10,000%) the known maximum toxic dose. There just isnt a safe dose of aluminum to inject into pregnant women. \r
The uterus shunts nutrients and toxins. We may be about to see neurological damage in newborns that makes the current rates of autism pale in comparison. \r
Pregnant moms please refuse to get the Dtap while you are pregnant. You can protect your baby from pertussis (whooping cough) by having all the parents and caregivers get the Dtap right after birth. The baby can then start the pertussis DTaP starting at 2 months like usual.