Secret Invasion X-Men #1, Supergirl #32, and Fantastic Four

  • 16 years ago
First we look at Secret Invasion X-Men #1. The guys love the artwork, but think that there were some missed opportunities in the story. Next is Supergirl #32. Justin likes the completion of this recent story arc. Alex thinks this is the best Supergirl has been in her current incarnation. Then we look at Fantastic Four #559. Don't miss the guys riff on a classic Foreigner song "Feels like the First Time". During the Speed Round we check out Army @ Love: The Art of War #1, Nightwing #147, Fathom #1, Patsy Walker: Hellcat #2, and Hawkman Special #1. Then, Justin writes in, "What would you do if The Stack Moved to Another Network?" The guys let us know that we can go to for some great episodes in the meantime. Justin reminds all The Stack fans to check it out.
Be sure to watch The Stack three times a week, and look for our bonus episodes Thursdays! Also you can check out more of the guys at
