BREAKING! Why Raila & Uhuru Met?

  • 6 years ago
Raila has sold out the Canaan movement for a program within government. In a surprise meeting, Uhuru and Raila signed what looks like an MOU to the disappointment of many Kenyans from both parties.

We need to BRING AMBE / Harambee Down, to end the occult oppression on this nation:

Please copy & past this letter and send to Senate:

Dear Senate Members,

Kindly consider with utmost seriousness the physical and spiritual implications of the term HARAMBEE in our country.

The historical application of this term in Kenya can never negate and erase its history. No one can argue about the source of this term and that it is an express reference to the Hindu goddess "Ambe".

If we found it fit as a country to expunge the images of Jomo Kenyatta from our coins and money notes, why should we find it difficult to expunge HARAMBEE from our money and national assets? After all, Ambee is a foreign idol unlike Kenyatta who was our founding father.

If other religions and faiths have been always offended by this capture and Domination of Harambee idol in our national symbols and money, THEN WE NEED TO PRONOUNCE IT AS A HISTORICAL INJUSTICE.

The least you must do s people's representatives is to take this bill to the people of Kenya for a referendum. Please do not decide that we have already decided on this sacrosanct matter. Accord me the opportunity to directly decide if I will allow foreign idols to capture and dominate our national symbols and currency.

I hereby direct

my Senator:

to vote for the bill to remove Harambee from our national instruments.


