Can Blacks Be Racist?

  • 6 years ago
This is a question that is always argued between the average joe and the Black rights ivist. Most people only limit themselves to the dictionary definition of racism being, a feeling of superiority or discrimination based on race. However, there is a more specific version of racism that is being more and more talked about today called systematic oppression. Systematic racism is based on the idea of a system that there is a group of people who have the privilege of being the least discriminated against compared to other groups. typically, the White Male is the group that is known to be privileged so ivists tend to say that it is impossible to be racist against this group because they are the ones in power. Thus, a Black person discriminating against a White person because of color is more likely to be called prejudice or Racial bias by these people. However, I do believe that minority races can still be racist against Whites under certain circumstances, even if it has more of a short-term effect than a White person being racist. I believe both dictionary definition and systematic definition of racism need to be taken into consideration in order to progress as a human race. But the difference between the dictionary definition and the systematic definition is that the dictionary describes racism based on individual occurrence rather than the longevity of systematic oppression and abuse of power.\r
This was Day 3 of the #BlackLivesMatter Marathon. \r
Start from the beginning here: \r
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