• 6 years ago
“Sympathy For The Devil” performed live at the Shack by, Sons Of Saban, October 30 2004. Sons Of Saban was the name of the band we used at that time. Tommy came up with the name. The Wiles Clan in the band. Me, Lenny Guitar, brothers Tommy Bass, Dave Drums, Cousin Mike Guitar. Didn’t have a Blood Moon Clan Cinematographer so set up a camera on a tripod and we blasted away in a sonic guitar storm. The Devil showed up and the rest is Garage band history. LOL. Fun. Adding song to the “Hillbillies Of The Universe” compliation LP. York HEX County Live Jam Series to be hidden away in the ancient Blood Moon Clan Music Minstrel Guild Vault. Musicians, Bands I’ve played and jammed with from the late swinging 60’s up to now. When the Aliens show up thousands of years from now after we've blown the planet to smithereens they can open the vault watch and listen and ponder what were those strange humans from Hex County up too here. What in the world are they doing making those strange sounds with those weird things around their necks - Free song downloads here Jamendo http://jamen.do/a/503956 or for Hillbillies Of The Universe click here Bandcamp http://supernatural-gospel-gears.bandcamp.com/album/hillbillies-of-the-universe-compilation-lp-hex-county-york-pa-musicians Main web site Supernatural Gospel Gears http://www.supernaturalgears.org -
Lenny Wiles Lionstar
FREE song downloads. FREE song use commercial or personal. Creative Commons License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Reference Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault to get free music…….. http://jamen.do/a/503956


