Top 5 Secret Texts Hidden on Historic Artifs

  • 6 years ago
Could the pierced ears of King Tuts ancient mask be linked to a secret inscription hidden underneath?\r
Mind Boggler presents 5 mysterious texts hidden in secret objects in secret places. including red marks found in the unexplained shafts and tunnels of the Great Pyramid of Giza, an ancient unknown language with magic rituals written with unsolved symbols, the broken beard of King Tuts mask that revealed an amazing link to Queen Nefertiti, incredible graffiti secretly engraved on the watch of Abraham Lincoln, and a secret message for the future hidden under a giant obelisk in Rome.\r
5. Magic Words\r
Using a bit of technological magic, UC Davis researchers in new unlocked the secrets of a tightly rolled silver scroll revealing ancient spells and incantations written in an indecipherable form of Arabic, that used Greek letters and magical sings. The magic amulet consisted of a 2 inch long extremely thin silver foil with miniature text from an unknown religion and was recovered from an site in Jerash, Jordon , a city founded in 2000 BCE and inhabited by Greeks,Romans,and Arabs. Archaeologists believe it dates to the mid 8th Century when a devastating earthquake in the region buried the town. Due to its age and fragility , researchers relied on CT scans and 3D modeling to virtually reveal the scrolls text.\r
4. Pyramid Scheme\r
The great pyramid of Giza, constructed in Egypt around 2500 BCE, contains numerous hidden passageways and secret chambers. Mysterious, narrow shafts lead from the kings and Queens Chambers deep into the interior of the pyramid. For years, researchers had been prevented from exploring the depths of the shafts by stone doors secured with copper pins, but in new, Djedi , a specially developed robot ,peered beyond the doors to reveal stunning hieroglyphs drawn in red paint. The shafts should have been too small for men to fit , and researchers hope the symbols will shed new light on their purpose .\r
3. Pharaoh Secret\r
Perhaps one of the most famous artifs in all of Egyptology , King Tuts golden face mask may not be what it has long seemed..As a secret text on the inside of the iconic treasure indicates the mask may have been made long before Tutankhamens reign. The discovery was made in new after a museum worker broke off the masks beard and tried to superglue it back in place. Under the mask and beneath a cartouche of the kings name were traces of “Ankhkheprure Neferneferuaten ,” Queen Nefertiti. It is now suspected that much of King Tuts elaborate golden tomb was originally intended for his stepmother.. Adding great intrigue to that mystery of the kings ascension and the fate of Nefertiti, whose lost tomb has never been found .\r
2. Lyncons clock\r
When the civil war began on April 13, 1861, Abraham Lincolns watch in the hands of Irish watchmaker Jonathan Dillon, who commemorated the bombardment of Fort Sumter, by carving a message into timepiece that was hidden for 150 years. Donated to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC by Lincolns great grandson in 1958, the text wasnt revealed until new.Inside the watch there are ually inscriptions that says “ Jonathan Dillon April 13-1861 Fort Sumpter was attacked by the rebels on the above date J Dillon..and April 13-1861 Washington thank god we have a government “\r
Additional secret message appear to have been added later, including the unidentified name LE Grofs as well as “Jeff Davis”\r
1. Fori the Force\r
When the Mussolini Obelisk was erected in Rome in 1932, a hidden message to future civilizations wad buried beneath it. The text, known as Codex Fori Mussolini, cannot be read in its original form due to the 300 tons of stone on top. But Professors Bettina Reitz- Joosse and Han Lamers, using obscure sources in Romes archived, pieced it together.\r
The message includes a 1200 word, 3 part eulogy written by Aurelio Giuseppe Amatucci describing the history of fascism and rise of Mussolini, the concerns of the Fascist Youth Organization, and the construction of the monument itself .\r
Dr.Lamers says “the text presents Mussolini as a kind of new Roman emperor” and a “savior of the Italian people “ . The message was designed in a way that it could be discovered by the razing of the obelisk, which was intended to send the “the voice of fascism into the Future “
