Will Trump’s Trade Policy Fit Into a Can of Beer?

  • 6 years ago
Will Trump’s Trade Policy Fit Into a Can of Beer?
The Beer Institute, a trade group, said the 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum would amount to a $347 million tax on the beverage industry.
As President Trump announced sweeping trade tariffs on imported steel
and aluminum, raising the specter of a possible trade war, one question has repeatedly come up: Will Americans drink less beer?
And the industry has argued that proposed tariffs, up to 10 percent on aluminum, would amount to an unintended tax.
The metal is 100 percent recyclable — it can be remelted and used over and over — and is one of the most commonly recycled commodities.
It said people would lose their jobs as a result, and that higher prices for a six-pack could drive beer drinkers elsewhere for their refreshment.
