Rat 2017 Chinese New Year Reading - Born 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 - Secrets & Change

  • 6 years ago
Chinese astrology is based on the year you were born. Chinese New Years is the first day of their lunar calendar year and falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, which is between January 21-February 20. Western astrology is based on the position of constellations and planetary aspects relative to our main star, the Sun, at the time of your birth. The Chinese twelve-year astrology cycle symbolizes the 12 or 11.86-year orbit of Jupiter around the Sun. Jupiter is associated with optimism, expansion, luck and good fortune, and wasnt named the “Great Benefic” for nothing. One of the Chinese three stars/deities of Sanxing called Fu personifies Jupiter and symbolizes prosperity, and the three represent the attributes of a good life prosperity, status, and longevity. \r
Is all this just divine providence, or are we all roosters running around with our heads cut off? Do we, as mortal humans, really need to work hard for prosperity? The answer is “Not Really!” We should all be pricing the Taoism concept of “Wu Wei,” literally meaning non-doing or not doing, ion that does not involve struggle or undue effort. Allow the river to flow its course. Master Lao Tzu stated in Tao Te Ching in his Nameless Simplicity chapter, “The Way is ever without ion, yet nothing is left undone.” Remember, Wu Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei is not a burden! No more should you try to fit a round peg in a square hole…\r
Heres another bit of trivia. The Chinese zodiac divides the years and months into animal signs but also breaks up the day into two-hour intervals starting with the Rat at midnight and working through Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. \r
Heres a quick review of my “Know They Self” spread:\r
1–2–3 7\r
1. What is you know\r
2. What can be or is yours\r
3. Self or Self Awareness\r
4.-5.-6. Clarification cards\r
7. Future card\r
Attribute: Kevin MacLeod for the song “Eastminster.” Thank you so much Kevin for your pleasant music to accompany my 2017 Chinese New Year presentation!