Baby prefers mum's singing over dad's

  • 6 years ago
Baby Emma seems to prefer her mother singing rather than her dad.

The footage, captured on February 12 at home in Chelsea, London, shows three-month-old Emma crying as her father, Chris Russell, sings "Somewhere over the Rainbow".

Surprisingly, her mother then manages to calm her down by singing "My Girl".

But Chris finds his daughter's reaction to his singing hilarious and breaks into song again, leaving the little girl in tears once more.

The mother later wrote online: ''When Chris was a baby himself, he had a musical box that played this song, so he is fond of the song and wanted to impart this to Emma.

''It comes as a surprise she does not like 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' because when she was in the womb, her father would sing it to her.

''We are not sure why she likes 'My Girl' sung by her mother Louise Tucker better, but it certainly makes her happier.''

Emma was born at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital last October with developmental dysplasia of both hips and was in a Pavlik Harness, designed to keep the hip joints secure.

Happily, Emma has now developed fully, although it would perhaps be best if dad confines his singing to the shower from now on.


