• 7 years ago
The table of contents:
1. See our a recent case in video: “I was banned for posting ‘Love All People’ messages on YouTube Chat”
2. What about other chats?
3. See our reports on speech censorship in our BLOG posts, videos & on TWITTER
4. Watch Live: how they delete all our messages
5. Is chat moderation a private business?
6. What does public opinion say?
7. Wider look at the whole Chats system
8. Various Chats restrictions on speech
9. It’s not just a chat or YouTube’s quirk, LiveLeak.com restricts the same topics
10. The entire Internet is censored by the same Big Brother
11. What is their agenda
12. Moderators repeat they don’t care about public opinion
13. Then which interests does the chat moderation serve? And who is paying for all these "troubles"?

See details on our blog: http://www.earthlyfireflies.org/video-sober-reflection-speech-censorship-across-youtube-chats.


