I’m Republican. I Appreciate Assault Weapons. And I Support a Ban.

  • 6 years ago
I’m Republican. I Appreciate Assault Weapons. And I Support a Ban.
I know that no single action can prevent a truly determined person from committing mass murder,
and I am aware of other ways to commit mass murder, such as bombings and mass vehicular slaughter.
Making substantial resources available to schools, at their discretion, for security measures, including the opportunity to purchase enhanced
security screening, install classroom panic buttons wired directly to law enforcement and hire additional school resource officers.
and state agencies accountable for their failures to identify a threat like Nikolas Cruz, as well as ensuring
that schools enforce basic security protocols to prevent access by unauthorized personnel.
My rifle was very similar to the AR-15-style semiautomatic weapon used to kill students, teachers
and a coach I knew at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., where I once lived.
And I know that my community, our schools and public gathering places are not made safer
by any person having access to the best killing tool the Army could put in my hands.
My grandfather bought me my first NRA membership when I was young,
and I have the same pride he and many Americans feel at being responsible gun owners, becoming excellent marksmen and joining in the camaraderie of hunting.


