• 7 years ago
Scientists from #Pakistan and #China have detected evidence of existence of combustible ice in the Makran Trench worth billions of dollars in energy resources within our territorial waters.Chinese and Pakistani researchers started an ocean-bottom seismograph (OBS) for the first time using Shi Yan 3, a scientific research vessel from the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

What Is Combustible Ice?
It is a frozen mixture of water and concentrated natural gas. Technically known as methane hydrate, it can be lit on fire in its frozen state and is believed to comprise one of the world's most abundant fossil fuels.. It’s also pretty well-known that methane can come from a variety of sources, including emissions from agriculture and dairy farming, landfill waste decomposition and coal mining processes.
These frozen water-based methane hydrates have been recognised as a useful fuel source by Japanese and Chinese companies, who have decided to mine it as a viable method of renewable energy.

Last year Chinese researchers have explored about 7,416,100cu ft of combustible ice trapped in frozen crystals in the South China Sea in the 30 days since a test drilling and production operation in early May. Daily production reached 240,140cu ft.It will be another energy revolution led by China following the US shale revolution, reshaping the global energy mix.Reserves of gas hydrate, otherwise known as combustible ice or flammable ice, in the South China Sea are estimated at 80 billion tons of oil equivalent


