Beach Walk 661 - Podcamp Hawaii 2008

  • 16 years ago
I am so excited - we can finally announce our very first Podcamp here in Hawaii, coming October 24-25, 2008. Shane and I have been wanting to do this for 3 years. Plus! We are going to have a WordCamp component too - it's the best of all worlds! Podcamp = unconference to learn about podcasting and new media and network with other indivudals and businesses who are using this tool to communicate. Wordcamp = unconference to learn about the amazing free blogging (and podcast platform) software, WordPress. We even have the founder, Matt Mullenweg coming to speak. Unconference = anyone can speak, the emphasis is on peer to peer communication and networking. Podcamp Hawaii web site Podcamp Hawaii on Twitter Hawaiian word: Ho'omoana: to camp


