A Starter Guide to Streaming Great South Korean TV Drama

  • 6 years ago
A Starter Guide to Streaming Great South Korean TV Drama
Nearly 40 percent of all Korean viewers tuned in to watch the finale of this intimate tale of love on the battlefield,
and the show exposes a much deeper fault line in contemporary South Korean culture: the fierce militarism of the post-Korean War generation butting up against the waning nationalism of Korean millennials, whose ideals can tend toward mutual understanding and healing.
“Hello, My Twenties!” tackles some of the biggest issues faced by young women in South Korea: sex
and relationships, alcoholism, body image and life outside the extended family.
In a similar vein to “Girls,” this show follows five young female roommates as they struggle to balance traditional expectations for women with the drive for self-fulfillment
promised by capitalism — the difference being that, for South Koreans, traditional values include Confucian ideals of altruism and respect for one’s elders.
Trapped on mortal planes but unbound by time, the goblin (who looks mostly like a handsome
young man), seeks a human bride, whose love will release him into the afterlife.
This delightfully nerdy tale with comic book influences combines the moral core
of Batman with the humor of “Iron Man” and the love triangle of “X-Men.”
Korean TV’s orientation toward family values has garnered it popularity with broadcast channels
in predominantly Muslim countries like Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates.