Hella Good Hella Tough (Voodoo Mix)

  • 16 years ago
I did not wake up this morning and went, “Ah, I am going to make a video blog today”. Our new drummer Wieke has made a request to play No Doubt’s “Hella Good” as she wishes to - in her own words - implement some of the ideas or techniques into our band’s materials. So I spent some time last week to learn the song. Boy, I am really not good at playing cover songs at all. But I guess it is one for all, all for one.

Cynthia, our talented bassist, has decided to put aside part of her Sunday to figure out how Tony Kanal plays the bass line. And I said to myself, why not make a video out of this little insignificant day of ours? And we did jam on the National Day holiday after all - even if just the two of us.

OK. This version you see is not final. The original intend is to record our interpretation of “Hella Good”, shoot it over to Wieke and Jason to do their parts. On a side note, recording the acoustic sound of the Indonesian Gendang was not easy. I think it turns out OK. We joke that this version should be named as “The Voodoo Mix”. The sound is so tribal!
