10 Signs That Aliens Could Exist

  • 7 лет назад
From life organisms that can survive the IMPOSSIBLE, to some of ANCIENT Evidence, these are 10 SIGNS That Aliens Could Exist ! \r
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6. Government Cover Ups\r
If theres anyone out there who does know the truth, it would most likely be our government agencies such as the FBI, CIA and of course Nasa. The government knows that complete disclosure of aliens would possibly cause the entire public to lose their minds During the 1950s and 1960s, the CIA kept a large amount of secret documents on the subjects of UFO encounters. Some seem describe, in detail, encounters that seem to be from out of this world. A lot of these were from very credible witnesses, things like finding flying saucers in the woods, flying saucer crash sites, and mysterious, and unknown aircraft that humans couldnt possess the technology to. Some documents are straight up labelled “flying saucers” like we see in this memorandum from 1952. \r
5. NASA Coverups\r
The government agency who probably knows the most about UFOs and extraterrestrial. Many conspiracy theorists claim that NASA will cut out live feed from their international space station as soon as a UFO or something mysterious comes into view. Here in this photo, you see a donut shaped unidentified flying object floating above earth that was captured on live feed, that was being filmed and mysteriously, and nasa just mysteriously happened to lose connection. Many other well respected astronauts have claimed to make cont with mysterious lights or spacecraft. EvenBuzz Aldrin, one of our most well known astronauts, claimed to have seen something fly alongside them during the Apollo 11 incident. \r
4. UFO Sightings and Crashes\r
If you venture off to certain parts of the world, many of them are ready to give you in depth detailed descriptions of UFO sightings and their story behind. Although the common citizen might not always be the most reliable source out there, its hard to completely ignore the sheer number of abduction stories and UFO sightings in the world. If someone like a priest were to come forward about about a UFO crash, would it be more believable. In 1941, a well-known reverend, William Huffman claimed on his deathbed to have been summoned to pray over the bodies of aliens at a crash site in Girardeau. A former Canadian prime minister, Paul Hellyer, has accused world leaders of covering up presence of UFOs, urging them to release them. A well known Lockheed Martin scientist who worked at area 51 named Bush Boydman made a deathbed confession, stating that he reversed engineered an alien aircraft that crashed at Roswell that used antigravity. Is everyone completely crazy or are these credible witnesses stating the truth?\r
3. Technological Advancements\r
Dr. Wernher von Braun, the inventor of the V2 rockets and eventually the main engineer of the Saturn V project that took us to the moon, believed many of our advanced technologies were not from our solar system. From sticks and stones being our first weapons to thermonuclear weapons, capable of demolishing entire cities, you have to wonder how mankind was able to advance so drastically within such a short timespan. \r
2. Alien Hand of Peru\r
Besides theories and blurry images, it might be a little difficult to believe that aliens could exist without some physical evidence is found, and even if it was, many people would be quick to dismiss it as a hoax. Recently in 2017, some people were exploring some tunnels in Peru and came across this mysterious hand shaped artif, which could be physical proof. It has a total of 3 fingers and six bones, and no scientist has been able to figure out exly where it came from. They determined that it was not human but still made up of bones and skill. Alongside this mysterious skull was found as well. Plans are still being made for DNA testing and radio carbon dating. There have been quite a few mysterious ancient sites in Peru like the Nazca lines that would suggest a possible experiments and the Sacsayhuaman site \r
1. Life Forms on Meteorites\r
Each day, meteorites fall from the sky but many are reduced to dust by the time they reach earth. Some of these meteorites have contained microfossils meaning fossilized remains of microorganisms. This is the case of the Murchison Meteorite that was analyzed by Richard B Hoover and was believed to have from a comet outside our solar system. He also photographed what he believed to nanoberia, which are single celled organisms.There was also the shergotty meteorite, found in India which contain evidence of biofilm, suggesting primitive life on Mars. Although it might not be the complex, multi celled aliens were accustomed to seeing on the big screen, it is still a sign that life on other pl
