1918: German Prisoners Are Overfed, Britons Say

  • 6 years ago
1918: German Prisoners Are Overfed, Britons Say
International Herald Tribune By
JAN. 31, 2018
LONDON — There is a loud outcry throughout England against the generous rations
that are given to the German war prisoners in internment camps in Great Britain.
The allowance of the German is nearly double, and he gets his supply daily without effort
and without worry." — The New York Herald, European Edition, Jan. 31, 1918
A correspondent, writing to the "Daily Express," says: — "For breakfast the fortunate people in the camp
have a big plateful of porridge, tea, bread, margarine, and part of their weekly ration of 7oz.
Letters innumerable are written to the newspapers complaining against the allowances of food to the Germans,
and the Government is almost ordered by public sentiment to reduce their fare.
"The meat supply, we are told, is only sufficient to allow each British citizen a pound a week; but in practice even this amount cannot be had.
of vegetables (potatoes and cabbage, cauliflower or other greenstuff in season), bread, and rice, tapioca, or semolina, when cheese is not available.


