
  • 16 years ago
Kaynine Said, "This is no more than a whistlestop tour of some of the basics when using keyframes and the timeline with CREATOON.

The big disadvantage of Creatoon is that documentation is very limited (although there is a manual that can be downloaded) and that it is no longer supported.

BUT, the huge advantage of Creatoon is that although it was once a fairly expensive, fully funtional, commercial animation program that was used for several cut-out style TV series, it has nowbeen released completely free of charge. Although documentation is poor, there is an excellent set of video tutorials and associated resources that can be downloaded as well. --- ---

I won't be making any more introductory demos for Creatoon, although I will continue to experiment with it. (This movie was made with Artoonix which is perfect for the purpose of assembling tutorials that include images, text and imported animations),"