• 7 years ago
THE PEST CONTROL GUY COULD NOT GET RID OF THE TARANTULA SO THEY TOOK CARE OF IT THEMSELVES! Jayla and Aydah put their ing skills to the test in their short film Big Bugs Be Gone.\r
Smelly Belly TV Kids! - Thanks for watching :) Big bugs be gone.\r
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Standard YouTube License\r
Jayla and Aydah get their report cards from school, and are on their way home to show the parents. Little do they know a big surprise is waiting for them when they get home. \r
They find a pest control flyer on the table, and ask their parents why its their. They find out that, there was a black widow in the yard, that the pest control guy killed. However, there is GIANT Tarantula still out there!!!! Jayla and Aydah decide they are going to handle it, but they cant let their parents know.\r
They sneak away and go on a spider hunt!! Along the way they find hatchlings, and ooey gooey spider slime. They continue on the search in the back yard. They find more hatchlings and next they go to the woods to check for the spider. On their way into the woods, they spot the Tarantula guarding her last nest of babies!! The girls grab their baseball bats, and smash the spider making its legs fly off.\r
During their battle with the tarantula, dad calls them in for dinner. Hopefully the spider was wacked hard enough! Later that night when they are in bed, the spider appears at the foot of their bed!!! Letting out screams of horror, their mom and dad come running into the room to make sure everything is okay. Once the lights are on they see that in f, the spider was just a figment of their imagination. Or, was it?


