• 7 years ago
The Cape May Bunker Battery 223 (Axis Video)

Battery 223 is located in Lower Township, Cape May County, New Jersey. The harbor defense battery was completed in 1943 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places on June 25, 2008.

The US Army Corps of Engineers built the bunker during World War II. When originally built, it was 900 feet away from the ocean.

There were a few claims that the bunker was haunted, so we set off to investigate. The bunker was sealed off and there is no access to get inside.

A marker found at the site explains: "This bunker or gun emplacement was built in 1942. The round turrets on either side held 6 inch guns. The horseshoe-shaped structures which can be seen out in front at low tide are Panama Mounts. ....These were built in July, 1941, prior to the construction of the more permanent bunker, and held four 155mm coast artillery guns. A sister bunker stands across the bay in Lewes, Delaware."

When built in 1942, the bunker was covered over with sod and stood on high ground 900 ft from the ocean. It is built of reinforced concrete. The roof and walls are 6 feet thick. Erosion and storms have washed away the land in front of and under the bunker. How long can the pilings (meant only to stabilize) support the bunker weighing thousands of tons?

We didn't detect any of the reported paranormal activity, but like noted, we couldn't get into the bunker, so who knows what may lurk inside of this structure.

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