TMNT 2017

  • 7 лет назад
Raphael: Even though we got beamed half way across the galaxy, the last couple of weeks have been business as usual, if youre a Ninja Turtle.\r
Its been one fight after another, seems everyones fighting over the same thing: Professor Honeycutt a.k.a. the Fugitoid. The professors got these plans for a teleportal device locked inside his robotic brain, and were hoping that its gonna be our ticket home. Some jarhead named General Blanque wants the teleportal to deliver bombs express mail. Ditto on the Triceratons, and right now they have the ball and theyre running with it.\r
We were right on their tail when their bunker turned out to be a spaceship, and we turned out to be Triceraton prisoners. Now theres very few things that really tick me off.alright theres a bunch of things, but the worst thing you can do is put me in a cage. So you might say I blew our chances to get time off for good behavior and as punishment, theyre taking us to some place they call the Games. I say, Bring it on.\r
Plot Synopsis\r
Two Triceraton sports announcers, Raz and Zed, introduce us to the Tri-Sports Arena “games.” And the first event: the four TMNT vs a Spasmosaur. The monsters tough, rubbery hide proves to be a big problem for our heroes and the battle does not go well for them.\r
Cut to Zanramon and the Fugitoid watching the fight. Zanramon tells the bot that the fate of the TMNT lies in his hands - if he doesnt agree to build the Teleportal for the Triceraton empire, the Turtles will perish in the arena. Fugitoid is agonized over the decision, but he steadfastly refuses to build the machine.\r
Back to the arena, where the Turtles determine that fighting the beast is futile, so Leo orders a retreat. Initially Raph refuses to run, but as his brothers create a cloud of dust and the gigantic creature closes in, the hot-headed ninja sees the better part of valor and follows his siblings. The TMNT run headlong down an alley that has a gigantic statue of Zanramon towering over the end of the path. The Spasmosaur is in hot pursuit, but at the last moment, Leo orders his team to jump onto the wall and the ninjas catapult themselves backwards over their pursuer. The monster crashes into the wall, sending debris flying. The force of the collision rocks the giant statue and it falls on top of the Spasmosaur, crushing it and taking it out of commission.\r
Inside, the Fugitoid does a happy dance to celebrate his friends victory. Zanramon is not so pleased. The Turtles are then beset by laser-toting Triceraton guards in flying harnesses, who force our heroes backwards until they fall into a pit that has silently opened in the middle of the arena.\r
The Turtles land in a pile of hay and are now locked up in a slave pen with other gladiators of various races - surprisingly, one is a Triceraton named Traximus. The slavers arrive, lead by the corpulent Gruell, a cruel task master that utilizes an electric whip to keep the gladiators in line. Gruell orders the Turtles to become price dummies so the other warriors can price their moves - the slaver orders the ninjas to not use their hands. The TMNT comply with this order and are attacked by their fellow slaves - but the ninjas arent about to take punishment without a fight, so they use their ninjitsu skills and teamwork to kick and dodge their opponents into submission. This strategy angers Gruell, who uses his whip on Raph and orders the Turtles to stop cooperating - but the temperamental Turtle manages to disarm the task master and informs him that they always fight as a team. Gruell, in a panic due to being disarmed, offers extra portions for their next meal to any gladiators that can defeat the TMNT.\r
The warriors attack with renewed vigor. Traximus faces off with Leonardo, and the mutant quickly defeats his saurian foe. Traximus tells Leonardo to do him a favor and finish him off, but Leo sheaths his weapons and instead helps Traximus stand up. Don, Raph and Mikey also win their battles and the TMNT earn the respect of the gladiators - but by now Gruell and his guards have regrouped and they get the slaves under control. Later, the Turtles are waiting in line to get gruel from Gruell, their last meal before their epic battle in the arena. However, once the Turtles get to the front of the line, the slave master tells them that theres no food left and theyll have to go hungry. The guys sit at the table and look forlorn (especially Mikey). Leonardo is seated next to Traximus, who takes a portion of his slop and puts in on Leonardos plate. The Triceraton gladiator tells the ninja Turtle to eat, as hell need fuel for the upcoming fight. The other gladiators also share their meals with the other Turtles. While everyone eats, Traximus explains why he has been impri
