3 steps to Creating your Reality: More Powerful than the Law of Attrion (part 2)

  • 6 years ago
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video Ill be sharing with you the complete process for creating your own reality and really elaborating on a video that I did a couple days ago on the three-step process to creating your own reality. I had people request that I do an elaboration on those. What I thought I would do is explain it, just summarize that video, and then go straight into the prical ways that we can apply this process in our own life.\r
Now as I said in that video, I believe that this process is even more powerful than the traditional methods we would use for the law of attrion. Thats simply because, with the law of attrion, we are focused on getting something, on attring something that is outside of ourselves into our life experience.\r
Now under this understanding its about knowing that we can embody who we prefer to be and that, as we make that internal change for how we view ourself, meaning our self-image, the beliefs about who we are, and the state of being that were in, we then begin to change our life from the inside out, and the external reality then can reflect the internal change that we have made.\r
The three-step process I shared was involving seeing it as the first step. Then the second step was the feeling it. Than the third step was the being it. This three-step process is an easy methodology that we can use towards understanding how the process goes and how we can embody who we prefer to be.\r
Now first off Ill elaborate on the first one, which is the seeing it. Now what I want to say about this is this is simply having a vision for what you want to create. Now I say and I use this example all the time, the analogy or the idea of parallel realities, because it helps us really understand that the reality that we want to experience exists right now in this moment and we can, in a way, use that as a tool to connect us with the imagination for what that would be like.\r
Right now you can do that. Imagine the best version of yourself and the ideal reality doing exly what you want to be doing. Maybe it involves you doing your passion for a living, having the kind of family that you want to have, having the relationships that you would want. If you are able to imagine that, which through time and just focusing on it will allow it to grow more and more, just focus on that. That is the vision. That is the parallel reality that you can use as a tool, as a signpost for the state of being that you prefer.\r
Now to do this, simply ask yourself the question: What is the best possible scenario I can imagine me doing? What would that look like? As you begin to ask the question, your brain will start to look for the different answers. That would be through our imagination. Now the key to this is understanding that we must have it as a symbol of our excitement. What this means is when you think about it, it brings you excitement. When I think about my vision of traveling the world, of sharing these ideas, of having that kind of lifestyle, it brings through me a certain level of passion. I use that as a tool, as a marker for that state of being that I prefer, and that gets me excited, which then leads to the second step.\r
Realize that as you do it more and more, it gets easier. Use your imagination as a bridge towards you being able to see into it. The more you do it, the more you will begin to see the details of it. As I recommend in a lot of my videos, before you go to bed every night, simply imagine the perfect version of yourself and what you would be doing. Start to bring the details into it more and more. Eventually it will then lead to more clarity, and then also to more feeling of it, which is the second step.\r
The second step in order to elaborate on this is the feeling. Now lets understand that the feeling aspect is very important because the feeling s as a bridge from the scene. The feeling is the bridge that connects that parallel reality, what we are imagining, into the present moment right now. Now in order to feel into what you are imagining, know that there are two mains ways we can do that. Now the first way is through creating what we call a connection to a past memory that represents a similar.\r
This video is about 3 steps to Creating your own reality (Complete Guide)


