ROSE Doll Show Opening Day! Reborn Babies & Silicones! COME SEE BEST VIDEO CLIPS!

  • 7 лет назад
BEST VIDEO of the ROSE Doll Show new! Best clips of my wonderful experience meeting the artist and seeing their work in person. Come see my video edited into clips to see the DETAILS of the reborns! Fantastic to meet sculpt artists and bump into friends and make new friends along the way! Reborns are life-like baby DOLLS not real babies. But we collect and enjoy them, so there, come enjoy the fun! I added the music to the opening Video POSTED THE FIRST DAY of the show! SPECAIL THANKS TO SARAH MELLMAN FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK PUTTING THE SHOW TOGETHER! Many of the babies shown on Albie Wentzels table were adopted by YT moms.
