A Year Later, Trump Is Less Popular Across Voting Blocs. See by How Much.

  • 6 years ago
A Year Later, Trump Is Less Popular Across Voting Blocs. See by How Much.
How Trump fared among Republicans, Democrats and Independents
While Mr. Trump’s approval dropped among all groups of people who voted in the 2012
and 2016 presidential elections, he remains popular with his voters as well as those who backed Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee
While most presidents see their popularity fade after an initial honeymoon period, Mr. Trump came into office with record-low approval among independents
and members of the opposite party (in this case, Democrats), and the decline started more or less immediately, said Charles Franklin, a professor and pollster at Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee.
President Trump’s approval rating fell across a wide swath of demographic groups over his first year in office, including
among those seen as important to his base, like white voters, evangelical Christians and those who live in rural areas.


