13 Scariest Underwater Creatures

  • 6年前
Here are the 13 scariest deep sea creatures from the creepy spook fish to the goblin shark youll think twice about swimming in waters\r
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#6 - Haunting Underwater Creepers\r
This semi-ethereal deep-sea beast is called the Barreleye or spook fish. Its spooky eyes are shaped like barrels and generally aimed upward to spot food. Their ghastly transparent foreheads are speculated to allow more light to be absorbed by their weird eyes at the deep depths they live in. They look like bubbles that could be easily popped. Their organs look like cute plants you could stroke with your finger if they werent a gooey trap, maybe intended to distr and attr prey as well as camouflage themselves.\r
#5 - The Frustratingly-Persistent Northern Snakehead\r
Menacing and silly to look at, the cartoonish Northern snakehead looks more than creepy with a spiky smirk that stretches well outside its massive crazy eyeballs, looking more science fiction mutant or Powerpuff Girls villain than legit undersea creature. With way too large a mouth, one a childs head could easily fit be swallowed by, and long, sharp teeth used to tear and rip flesh, not just scratch and nibble playfully like a sweet puppy, these little freaks evolutionarily developed a creepy smile befitting any carnivore, thus its name, though few snakes are this super ugly. These natural underwater dwellers are able to breathe on land for up to four days as they flop around in search of more water, allowing them to scare the living willickers out of you even when youre not innocently distred and enjoying a nice picnic on a clear day out at the river. Keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle, this frequently invasive species weighs around 20 pounds at its largest.\r
#4 - The Horrifying Anglerfish\r
Lurking in the dark with a glowing orb attached to their face that s as bait, like a carrot dropped off the end of a stick to tease a cartoon horse into a gallop. They have disproportionately-large, spine-chilling mouths lined with long, skinny, deadly fangs, looking like a hideous Venus fly trap of the sea. These ual parasites inspire nausea. The males rarely encounter mates, biting into their skin when they find them, melting their mouths and the flesh they are biting onto in order to fuse their bodies, trading sperm for nutrients. As many as eight males will attach to any one female. Some anglerfish tails and livers are considered culinary delicacies.\r
#3 - Octopian Bloodlust\r
This crazed octopus tried to mug a diver for their camera in a new ambush off the coast of California, captured by two surprised divers near Carmel. The octopi look so mysterious, yet their massive heads remind us of our own intelligence. The octopus is known to use communication and coordination while hunting and utilize tools like discarded coconut shells for constructing shelters.\r
Giant octopi are known to jump out of the water to attack prey like crabs, stroll around on 2 of their 8 arms, devour sharks, ambush human divers and escape from aquariums, even scaling vertical walls like Tom Cruise in some spywith lots of explosions and high-speed chases. Some types are fatally-poisonous. Some giant octopi grow over 30 feet long, weighing well over 600 pounds.\r
#2 - Murderous, Bloodthirsty Stingrays\r
These sea animals look like aquatic aliens from an ionnightmare. Stingrays kill prey with their large, jagged, barbed stingers usually, but have been known to attack humans, especially when provoked or stepped on while they lay patiently and serene, often in shallow, warm waters. Some seemingly-unreal stingrays can even kill adult humans with electric shocks of 240 volts, leading to the unsettling acceptance of mortality when snorkeling in otherwise safe-seeming waters.\r
An 8-foot stingray was reportedly responsible for the 2006 death of the “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, the quirky, insane animal harasser and famous television show host who often placed him and animals he messed with in dangerous situations. He and a cameraman came across it one day while filming, with the animal attacking as it escaped, allegedly stabbing hundreds of times in just a matter of seconds.\r
#1 - Man-Eating Jaws and Countless Razors for Teeth\r
The great white shark, also rather accurately known as “white death,” has been responsible for sinking boats, hundreds of fatal bites in unexpected attacks on people and terrifying breaches, the monstrous sharks flying out of the water with such great momentum that they fly over 10 feet above the waters surface. These impressive predators grow to over 6 meters long, live for over 70 years and can weigh over 2 tons. With only killer whales and humans to worry about as predators, these sharks are world famou


