Nossos antepassados viviam num mundo sem cores e faziam sexo sem amor. Mas faz tempo que vivemos com ambos, e ninguém quer uma vida em tons de cinza ou fazer sexo como se faz academia. Cor é fácil mas o amor é complicado. Ainda é um mistério a fase que antecede o amor pleno enquanto os amantes jogam o “playing-hard-to-get”. Sabemos que nesse jogo estão: agir de forma confiante e gastar tempo com outras pessoas, entre 58 atitudes que incluem não responder as mensagens, não ligar no dia seguinte, e até namorar outra pessoa. Homens e mulheres apresentam muitas semelhanças. Faz mais uso disso quem tem mais traços narcisistas e maquiavélicos, ou seja, são mais egocêntricos e manipuladores. Tudo válido para hetero e homo afetivo. Enfim: Romeu e Julieta é bem raro. Se ambos jogarem muito duro, vão acabar separados. Só pode acabar bem se alguém der o primeiro passo. Na incerteza do interesse do outro lembre-se que você não tem nada a perder e dê o primeiro passo. Fica o alerta: não confunda sua incerteza com falta de interesse do outro. E lembre-se que orgulho (ou medo) é bom, mas em excesso faz seu mundo ficar metaforicamente sem cor e literalmente sem amor. Referências: Sergio Almeida e, e Jonason & Li (2013) Playing hard to get: Manipulating one’s perceived availability as a mate. European Journal of Personality, 27, 458-469 no link
Claudia Feitosa-Santana:
Our ancestors lived in a colorless world and had sex without love. But we've been living with both for a long time, and no one wants a life in shades of gray or having sex like going to the gym. Color is easy but love is complicated. It is still a mystery the phase that precedes full love while lovers play the "playing-hard-to-get". We know that in this game acting confidently and spending time with others, among 58 things that include not answering the messages, not calling the next day, and even dating someone else. Men and women have many similarities. It makes more use of this who has more narcissistic and Machiavellian traits, that is, they are more egocentric and manipulative. Valid to LGBTQIAPK people. Anyway: Romeo and Juliet is very rare. If both play very hard to get, they will end up separated. It can only end well if someone takes the first step. In the uncertainty of the other's interest remember that you have nothing to lose and take the first step. Be alert: do not confuse your uncertainty with lack of other’s interest on you. And remember that pride (or fear) is good, but too much makes your world metaphorically colorless and literally without love. References: Sergio Almeida and, and Jonason & Li (2013) Playing hard to get: Manipulating one's perceived availability as a mate. European Journal of Personality, 27, 458-469 at link.
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Claudia Feitosa-Santana:
Our ancestors lived in a colorless world and had sex without love. But we've been living with both for a long time, and no one wants a life in shades of gray or having sex like going to the gym. Color is easy but love is complicated. It is still a mystery the phase that precedes full love while lovers play the "playing-hard-to-get". We know that in this game acting confidently and spending time with others, among 58 things that include not answering the messages, not calling the next day, and even dating someone else. Men and women have many similarities. It makes more use of this who has more narcissistic and Machiavellian traits, that is, they are more egocentric and manipulative. Valid to LGBTQIAPK people. Anyway: Romeo and Juliet is very rare. If both play very hard to get, they will end up separated. It can only end well if someone takes the first step. In the uncertainty of the other's interest remember that you have nothing to lose and take the first step. Be alert: do not confuse your uncertainty with lack of other’s interest on you. And remember that pride (or fear) is good, but too much makes your world metaphorically colorless and literally without love. References: Sergio Almeida and, and Jonason & Li (2013) Playing hard to get: Manipulating one's perceived availability as a mate. European Journal of Personality, 27, 458-469 at link.
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