Oscar-winning filmmaker Luc Jacquet (March of the Penguins) tells the inspiring story of Claude Lorius, an 82-year-old glaciologist who has dedicated his life to studying the icescapes of Antarctica. His groundbreaking discoveries would sound the alarm for the global warming crisis and expose humankind’s devastating impact on the Earth’s climate.
In Ice and the Sky, Jacquet joins Lorius as he journeys to Antarctica one final time, 60 years after first setting foot on the continent. Accompanied by breathtaking landscape photography and a fascinating array of archival footage from his many expeditions, Lorius reflects on his life’s work - the great successes and the punishing hardships suffered during his decades on the ice.
Both a powerful call-to-action on climate change and a forceful rebuke to those in denial, Ice and the Sky is an essential and profoundly human portrait of one man’s dedication to uncovering the secrets of the planet at the heart of a frozen world.
Ice and the Sky opens in cinemas & on demand on 11 December. http://www.IceAndTheSky.co.uk
In Ice and the Sky, Jacquet joins Lorius as he journeys to Antarctica one final time, 60 years after first setting foot on the continent. Accompanied by breathtaking landscape photography and a fascinating array of archival footage from his many expeditions, Lorius reflects on his life’s work - the great successes and the punishing hardships suffered during his decades on the ice.
Both a powerful call-to-action on climate change and a forceful rebuke to those in denial, Ice and the Sky is an essential and profoundly human portrait of one man’s dedication to uncovering the secrets of the planet at the heart of a frozen world.
Ice and the Sky opens in cinemas & on demand on 11 December. http://www.IceAndTheSky.co.uk
Short film