Brazil Prison Riot Leaves 9 Dead

  • 6 years ago
Brazil Prison Riot Leaves 9 Dead
In comments on Monday the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, the head of Brazil’s prison guard union, Jorimar Bastos, criticized the
resources allocated for oversight at the Goiânia prison, saying only five guards were assigned to watch over 900 prisoners.
1, 2018
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — Nine inmates were killed, 14 were injured and dozens escaped in a prison riot on Monday, the national news media reported.
One of the inmates killed in the mayhem was decapitated, news organizations reported, recalling a prison riot
that occurred one year ago in the Amazon in which 56 people died.
According to a newspaper, O Estado de São Paulo, 106 prisoners escaped the prison in the city of Goiânia, near the capital, Brasília.
That riot, which was rooted in a longstanding gang rivalry, came at the beginning of a January
marred by widespread prison violence, with 130 prisoners dying in the first 20 days of 2017.


