Zimbabwean Family Lingers in Limbo at Thai Airport for 2 Months

  • 6 years ago
Zimbabwean Family Lingers in Limbo at Thai Airport for 2 Months
29, 2017
BANGKOK — A family of eight from Zimbabwe, including four children, have been stuck at a Bangkok airport for most of the past two months, unwilling to return home
because of political uncertainty there and unable to secure visas to a third country.
Thai immigration officials said the family members had applied to the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees in the hope of obtaining refugee status.
Zimbabwean said that We are stuck here,
Police Col. Cherngron Rimpadee, a spokesman for Thailand’s Immigration Bureau, said the family first tried to leave Thailand on Oct. 23.
Colonel Cherngron said that sending the family to a detention center was still an option.
Vivian Tan, a spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said she was aware of the case
but could not provide details because of confidentiality requirements.