• 8 years ago
Hello and welcome to another 3 minutes of video, in this one we are looking we are killing more of the Demon horde. Please like this video and consider following my channel!

https://www.youtube.com/c/CraigSmithTVGamingandmore We recover an arm and use it to open a door! We get in and Rip out another heart and start a fight! Great fun for us. We Can now open the main Door and Leave the foundry!

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In a research facility on Mars owned by the Union Aerospace Corporation, facility director Samuel Hayden's mind now inhabits an android body after having lost his original to brain cancer. Researchers attempted to draw energy from Hell in order to solve an energy crisis on Earth using the Argent Tower, which siphons energy and allows travel to and from Hell. Hayden has already led multiple expeditions into Hell, bringing back captive demons and artifacts for study. One artifact was a sarcophagus containing the Doom Slayer (along with his Praetor Suit), whom the demons imprisoned after his earlier rampage through Hell.

The facility has been invaded by demons after one of UAC's scientists, Olivia Pierce, made a pact with them and opened a portal to Hell. In his desperation, Samuel Hayden releases the Doom Slayer from his sarcophagus to repel the demonic invasion and close the portal. The Doom Slayer recovers his Praetor Suit and fights his way through the overrun facility, making several excursions into Hell along the way. He recovers a magical blade, the Crucible, which he uses to destroy the portal's power source. Finally, he comes across Pierce, who transforms into the monstrous Spider Mastermind, and kills her.

Upon the Doom Slayer's return to Mars, Hayden confiscates the Crucible, which he plans to use in his research. Despite all that has happened, Earth is too desperate for energy to give up. Hayden says he cannot kill the Doom Slayer; to prevent him from interfering, Hayden teleports him to an undisclosed location, saying that they will meet again.

3 minutes of Doom 2016 - Give Us A Hand - Gas Leak Door
