Turning the screw on EU: Theresa May to report Poland military participation

  • 7 years ago
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Turning the screw on EU: Theresa May to report Poland military participation
THERESA May is set to send an unmistakable cautioning to the European Union by marking a military manage Poland, who are right now engaged with a spat with the alliance. Poland and England have been close military partners since Clean partners flew with the RAF amid the Clash of Britain. It comes during an era of expanded strain amongst Poland and the EU. Earlier this week the European Commission undermined to strip Poland of voting rights after a progression of legal reforms. However Mrs May's outing to Poland demonstrates the UK is as of now not bound by EU expectations. The PM said in front of the trek: "Poland matters significantly to the UK: our organization is wide, energetic and different and we both offer a relentless sense of duty regarding Europe's security and resistance. "Also, that is the reason I am in Warsaw today, to guarantee that we can work considerably more firmly together to guarantee the security and success of our countries in the years ahead."Although the UK is leaving the European Union, we are not leaving Europe. Furthermore, I will reaffirm to Leader Morawiecki that we need to work with Poland and the other part states later on to secure our common esteems, individuals and interests."We are building a key organization from a base of shared history and profound ties of fellowship that will keep on flourishing long after our takeoff from the EU."The respective guard bargain we are marking today is a capable image of our proceeded with close participation." 00FastNews. It would be ideal if you Subscribe!

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