• 8 years ago
As a big fan of wrestling games, I have been really disappointed in what has come out in recent years. WWE games have really lost the magic and I still hold No Mercy on the N64 as the pinnacle of wrestling games. The FirePro series has been one I have dabbled with over the years but it has never really got a lot of traction outside of Japan and now is its chance to shine.

On the face of it a simple 2D game but in reality the game is pretty in-depth with a good flow system going through the game seeing you move from light to strong moves that mimics the flow of a real wrestling match much better than the WWE games by altering the length of the wrestler being down depending on the situation.

One of the most interesting aspects of the game is the match ratings which is added to by the ability to play dead and “take” moves to make the match score higher. A fun aspect is competing with a friend not against each other but in order to see how good a match you can put on…. Like real wrestling then?... why has this not been done before.

The controls do however take a little bit of getting used to and this is where all I can say is work through it. The game comes with a very good tutorial mode that teaches you the basics and the timings and I really recommend that be your first stop.

The game comes with a basic selection of fake wrestlers but one trip to the steam workshop soon fixes that with all manner of wrestlers from eras past up to present day. I struggled to find any wrestlers not on here and that really pushed the longevity.

While the game is fun the main issue is that it is missing a lot you would expect from a wrestling game. Gameplay while deep is not too flashy, there is no storyline mode or career mode to get you into anything and while the matches are better than the recent WWE games I was left wishing for all the other features found in the 2K games.

I had hoped a lot of this would be sorted when the game left early access (hence why I didn’t do a first look at it) but sadly it has been released in much the same way as it was for most of early access and that is a shame.

Worth it for wrestling fans but an opportunity to make the best wrestling game of all time fallen sadly a little bit short.