Greek third-division soccer player celebrates 'goal' too early

  • 7 years ago
This is the hilarious moment a Greek soccer player celebrates a "goal" that never was.

The video, captured on December 17 in Naousa on the island of Paros in northern Greece, shows Naousa player Nikos Ntinopoulos (in blue and white stripes) taking possession of the ball and running upfield in a game played in foggy conditions against local rivals Trikala in the Greek third division.

Spotting the opposing goalkeeper off his line, Ntinopoulos takes a long-range strike towards goal from just inside the opposition half.

The ball looks like it's going in, and Ntinopoulos peels away in celebration, even taking off his shirt.

But unbeknownst to him, a last-ditch effort from an opposition defender prevents the ball from going in, and Trikala are able to clear.

Meanwhile, the player continues his celebrations at the side of the pitch as play continues and at one point is joined by a teammate.

Eventually, Ntinopoulos realises the "goal" has not been given and ambles back on to the pitch, still grappling with his shirt.

At the end of the video, Ntinopoulos appears to be talking to the referee.
