Marcello Bombardi Climbs Die Hard V10/7C+ In Levi Molinari | The Italian Climbing Files, Ep. 3

  • 5 years ago

In this episode of Italian Climbing Files, Italian National Climbing Team member Marcello Bombardi and his girlfriend Anais head into the stunning Levi Molinari nature reserve to climb some of the incredible granite boulders that scatter the area. Camping and trekking through the valley in search of good bouldering, Marcello and Anais find the type of solitude and serenity that are increasingly rare in this overcrowded world. They also finds some amazing boulders, including the pumpy roof Stigmate V10/7C+, the highball Le Ali Della Libertá V6/7A, and the area's test piece Die Hard V10/7C+.

The Levi Molinari reserve is located in the northwest corner of Italy, and if you are looking for a climbing experience of rare beauty you have got to put it on your travel list.

Marcello Bombardi Climbs Die Hard V10/7C+ In Levi Molinari | The Italian Climbing Files, Ep. 3

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