• 6 years ago
To anyone who isn't a climber, a finger injury might sound like a fairly minor complaint but any climber who's suffered with one knows just how limiting they can be. How then do you train for a bouldering world cup while nursing one? Well, if you're Shauna Coxsey, you do exactly what your coach tells you to. 'She was always adamant that she didn't want to work with a coach...until the point that she asked me to coach her' says Mark Glennie, and it's clear that it took a fair amount of time before the pair found out how to work best together. Now however, the coach-athlete relationship functions with complete trust, and though Mark may occasionally bring in weird new ideas from other sports, Shauna is always willing to test them out; provided she still gets a cup of tea at the end of the session that is.
World Cup Training With A Finger Injury | 3 Days With Shauna Coxsey
Director: Lukasz Warcheska
Producer: LW Images
