• 8 years ago
The roebuck stalking season is open. Charlie Jacoby heads to Cumbria with two US hunting TV stars: Larysa Switlyk and Lindsay Christensen. They are out after bucks on the Greystoke Castle Estate and other ground managed by Steve Pymm of Cumbria Wild Game.

For Larysa Unleashed, go to http://www.larysaunleashed.com or http://www.youtube.com/user/LSwitlyk
For Extreme Huntress, visit http://www.extremehuntress.com
To go stalking with Steve Pymm, email wildgame@hotmail.co.uk
The Browning X-bolt and Nomad mounts are at hhttp://www.browning.eu
For Kite Optics, visit http://www.kiteoptics.om

This item appears on YouTube in Fieldsports Britain, episode 384 http://bit.ly/fieldsportsbritain384

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