• 8 years ago
With foxes on the prowl for pheasant poults, it's time for keepers to get out the rifles and start shooting. To coincide with this, Sauer has brought out a 'Keeper Package'. It is the latest in a trend of rifle packages from several of the manufacturers. Tim Pilbeam reviews it.

For the Sauer Keeper package (Sauer 100 XT in .223 + Minox scope + mounts + Barton Gunworks moderator, £2100) go to http://www.blaser-sporting.com
For the Remington 783 package, talk to https://raytradeuk.co.uk
Build your own Howa rifle here: http://www.howarifles.eu/2.html

This item appears on YouTube in Fieldsports Britain, episode 401 http://bit.ly/fieldsportsbritain401

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