• 5 years ago
VIRGINIA MAESTRO performs the song "LONELINESS" for BalconyTV.
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2015 va ser un any molt especial per Virginia Maestro; un any ple de decisions valentes on va deixar una multinacional per autoeditar-se, on va canviar el seu nom artístic pel seu real i on va engegar un projecte de crowdfunding que va superar totes les expectatives. I d'aquest procés alliberador neix "Blue Bird", el seu quart treball discogràfic. Un disc que beu del folk sureny americà, on brillen sobretot les balades i mitjos temps que expliquen aquelles històries universals en les quals tots ens hi veiem reflectits. Una travessa pel desert en la que Virginia Maestro n'ha sortit reforçada. I no és casualitat que sigui ella la nostra convidada especial per celebrar el tercer aniversari de BalconyTV Barcelona. 36 mesos de música ininterrompuda cada dijous als balcons de la nostra ciutat. I esperem que puguem seguir oferint històries i cançons que emocionen, un grapat d'anys més.

2015 was a very special year for Virginia Maestro; a year full of brave decisions where she quit a big discography to self-publish, she changed her moniker for her real name and started a crowdfunding project that exceded everyone's expectations. And out this liberating process came 'Blue Bird', her fourth album. An album influenced by Nashville. A record where ballads and slowtempos shine brighter when telling stories we can all relate to. An exile through the desert where she has come out reinvented. Therefore, seems only logic she was our special guest to celebrate BalconyTV Barcelona's third anniversary. 36 months bringing you the best music and views through the screen. And we can only wish we could bring you amazing tales and awesome tunes for at least, another bunch of years.

Production and Direction: clicksound
Presenter: Marta Terrasa
Sound and Audio post production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Photographer: Martina Matencio
Original initiative by Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay

Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (
Views: Hotel Ayre Rosselló (
Video material support: Mas que Video Profesional (

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