Bet You Didn't Know Freerunning Is Big in Taiwan | Tangent, Ep. 5

  • 5 years ago

When you think of freerunning what places come to mind? Paris, London, Moscow, maybe a few cities in Eastern Europe. How about Taiwan and Hong Kong? Whether you knew it or not these sort-of-Chinese municipalities have thriving freerunning, parkour, and tricking scenes with local standouts like Yun Bao, FRMP, and Thunder Run.

In this video the clans have gathered on Taiwan, originally called Ilha Formosa (Beautiful Island) by the Portuguese sailors who sighted it from afar. Much of the natural beauty of the island has been paved over, but these freerunners are bringing you a different sort of grandeur with their incredible flips, spins, and parkour lines. Filmmakers Todd and Joe Robbins slow it all down so you can kick back and appreciate the good movements and even better vibes.

Director: Todd and Joe Robins
Producer: Todd and Joe Robins
Athletes: Yun Bao, FRMP, Thunder Run
Sports: Adventure,Running, freerunning

Bet You Didn't Know Freerunning Is Big in Taiwan | Tangent, Ep. 5

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