Facts Have a Well-Known Liberal Bias

  • 6 years ago
Facts Have a Well-Known Liberal Bias
Hey, The Weekly Standard itself has explained the criteria:
Surveys done by the University of Minnesota and George Mason University have shown
that the supposedly impartial “fact checking” news organization rates Republican claims as false three times as often as Democratic claims and twice as much, respectively.
It’s the whole story of Paul Ryan’s career: journalists trying to be centrists desperately wanted to show their neutrality by praising a Serious, Honest, Conservative, and promoted Ryan into
that role even though it was obvious from the beginning that he was a con man.
Even in the age of Trump, they try desperately to be “balanced”, which in practice means bending over
backwards to say undeserved nice things about Republicans and take undeserved swipes at Democrats.
This dynamic played a crucial role in last year’s election; it’s one of the reasons major news organizations
devoted more time to Hillary Clinton’s emails than to all policy issues combined.
