• 6 years ago

How To Become A Successful Blogger And Make Money

How To Create Your Blog

If you are comfortable with technology and not in a real rush to make money, then yea go ahead and create your own blog. If I had to do things over, I would have just hired someone to do it for me. You will get your site up and running a lot faster. You can always make changes later after you start getting some sales and leads coming in.

Don’t use the free blogging platforms, make sure you go the self-hosted route. The free blogging platforms limit you to what you can and can’t do. When you go the self-hosted way you have total control over what you want to say, and sell on your site and YOU own it. The only way you can get shut down is if you don’t pay your hosting bill.

Blog Posts Examples

Now that you have your blog setup, you will need to start putting content out in the marketplace. I struggled in the beginning with content because I had no clue of what I should blog about. It wasn’t until someone told me to teach the day one version of myself that the light bulb went off in my head.

You can get all the content you will ever need if you do the ILT. That stands for invest, learn and teach. Invest your time and sometimes money into courses, books, videos and, trainings. You learn something from the training then you turn around and teach it. It’s that simple and the exact model that I use to come up with content. I learned about this through a blogging course that I mention right before the video.

Also, focus on the problems of your target audience and not just the things that you know. Figure out who you want to work with and write content for their problems. For me, I want to work with people who like or are already inside network marketing and want to use the internet to build a business. I come up with just about all my content using this method.

To Your Success

Dereco Cherry

Free home business training: https://www.DerecoCherry.com

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – http://bit.ly/2yWv3U1

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