Strife: Nikolai Abilities Preview

  • 7 years ago
Nikolai punches things. Nikolai smashes things. Nikolai picks enemies up and puts them down.
Relentless Might (Q): Activate to attack faster and dash towards targeted enemies for 3 attacks. Your 3rd attack will knock target into the air. While active, your attacks deal 90, 100, 110, 120% damage.
Earthen Slam (W): Target direction to send 3 shockwaves. Each shockwave deals 70, 95, 120, 145 Magic Damage and slows targets. Bonus hits deal 30% damage.
Bolster (E): Activate to damage all nearby enemies for 6, 8, 10, 12% of their Max HP and gain a shield equal to the attempted damage.
Piledriver (R): Target direction to lunge, grabbing the first enemy hero you contact - launching you both into the air. While airborn you may continue to move. Upon landing, you deal 195, 260, 325 Magic Damage in a small area.

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