Hina Khan is inviting lot of criticism from both Bigg Boss 11 viewers and TV celebrities. This time, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein actor Karan Patel takes a dig at her for making obnoxious statements. He tweeted: “Woh jo mohotarma hai #BigBoss11 ke ghar mein jo baat baat mein #ThankYouGod aalaapti hai, jo aaj hajaam bani hai, koi unse pls pooch ke bataye ki #YehGhatiyapanKyaKehlataHai. #KitnaGandaKhelKhelogiMadam #Sick #Sadistic #Disgrace .. #BholiSuratGandiNeeyat ..! #FakeToTheSoul.” Find out more in this video. Watch these episodes of Bigg Boss 11 on Colors TV everyday and anytime on VOOT.