Russia, Turkey and Iran Propose Conference on Postwar Syria’s Future

  • 7 years ago
Russia, Turkey and Iran Propose Conference on Postwar Syria’s Future
The Sochi announcement also came a few days after President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia met with
President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, an indication that Mr. Assad had agreed to the idea.
For many members of the Syrian opposition, peace in Syria is unattainable before Mr. Assad is held accountable for human rights
abuses, including what United Nations investigators have said was the use of chemical weapons by Syria’s military.
Mr. Putin sought to use the Sochi announcement to portray Russia as a flexible diplomatic intermediary in the Syria
conflict, despite Russia’s military backing for Mr. Assad, widely regarded by opponents as a war criminal.
Mr. Putin, sitting with President Hassan Rouhani of Iran
and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, said the most important purpose of the conference would be to frame "the future structure" of the Syrian state.
The conference they proposed, also to be held in Sochi, was announced just days before a new round of
peace talks was planned in Geneva, convened by a special United Nations envoy, Staffan de Mistura.
In their joint statement, the Russian, Iranian and Turkish leaders called on representatives of the Syrian opposition "that are committed to the sovereignty, independence, unity, territorial integrity
and non-fractional character of the Syrian state" to take part in the Sochi conference.


