Outrage as UK city won't be permitted to be European Capital of Culture as a result of BREXIT

  • 7 years ago
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Outrage as UK city won't be permitted to be European Capital of Culture as a result of BREXIT
A UK city won't be permitted to participate in the race to be Europe's next Capital of Culture, the European Commission has affirmed. Five UK urban areas were competing for the position in 2023, however have now been told by authorities they won't be considered for the title.The last UK city to have been an European Capital of Culture was Liverpool in 2008.A representative for the European Commission told express.co.uk the choice did not descend the European Commission, and rather was "an immediate outcome" of the UK's "choice to leave the European Union".The representative included: "There is nothing the European Commission can do about this".A articulation from the European Commission included: "As one of the many solid results of its choice to leave the European Union by 29 Walk 2019, the UK can't have the European Capital of Culture in 2023. "As per the guidelines embraced by the European Parliament and the Gathering, this activity isn't interested in third nations aside from applicant nations and European Organized commerce Affiliation/European Monetary Region countries. "Given that the UK will have left the EU by 29 Walk 2019, and in this manner be not able host the European Capital of Culture in 2023, we trust it bodes well to stop the choice procedure now."The title requires six years of arranging with EU authorities demanding it is "imperative to think about the best advantages of all gatherings worried" alongside the "human and money related result" of turning into an European Capital of Culture.Candidates likewise qualified for a payout of generally €1.5million on the off chance that they are considered to be preparing adequately for the part. The UK City's who had put themselves advances were Dundee, Nottingham, Leeds, Milton Keynes, alongside a joint proposition from Belfast, Londonderry and Strabane.A Branch of Culture, Media and Sport spokeswoman stated: ""We can't help contradicting the European Commission's position and are profoundly frustrated that it has held up until after UK urban areas have presented their last offers previously conveying this new position to us."The Head administrator has been certain that while we are leaving the EU, we are not leaving Europe and this has been invited by EU leaders."We need to keep working with our companions in Europe to advance the long haul monetary improvement of our landmass, which may incorporate taking an interest in social programmes."We stay focused on working with the five UK urban areas that have submitted offers to enable them to understand their social aspirations and we are in dire exchanges with the Commission on the matter." More to take after... 00FastNews. If it's not too much trouble Subscribe!

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