Clinton’s Family Shame! Bill’s Good-For-Nothing Brother ‘Shunned His Own Daughter’

  • 7 years ago
Notorious black sheep Roger Clinton hasn’t only brought grief to his famous sibling, former President Bill Clinton, now the convicted criminal has callously turned his back on Macy Smit — his pregnant love child, has learned exclusively!
“Roger has nothing to do with his daughter,” said Martha Spivey, who exclusively told Radar that Roger walked out on her when she was carrying Macy, now 26.
Not only that, heartless Roger hasn’t even spoken to Macy in more than a year!
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Roger, 61, has been at the center of decades of scandals, including racking up a criminal record for selling cocaine in the ’80s — for which the horndog-in-chief later misused his presidential power to pardon him.
He was later accused of scamming $100,000 intended for Haiti earthquake relief efforts from a Houston businessman!
Now Radar can reveal the ex-president’s half-brother is ignoring his own daughter, despite knowing she is carrying his grandchild!
“I told him he was having a grandson, and he hasn’t congratulated Macy or reached out,” Martha revealed.
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But rogue Roger may be too busy with his own ongoing legal woes.
He was arrested in 2016 for driving under the influence in Redondo Beach near Los Angeles with a blood alcohol content nearly three times the legal limit! However, his troubles mean little to Macy, who said, “I don’t need to know what he’s going through. I don’t care.”
Martha dished her daughter doesn’t want anything to do with her deadbeat dad — or his family — and added: “Macy doesn’t even call herself a Clinton anymore.”
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In fact, last year the young Tampa, Fla., hairdresser publicly admitted she voted for Donald Trump!
Sadly, dealing with disappointment is nothing new to Macy — especially when it comes to her absentee father.
As a teen, Macy and her mom were living on food stamps and claimed Roger ignored their pleas for help — and didn’t even bother to show up for her high school graduation in Gainesboro, Tenn.
“The last time Macy spoke with him, before she got pregnant again, she told him to grow the hell up,” said Martha.
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“He didn’t take it well, got pissed off and told her: ‘You’re not going to tell me how to live my life.’ “He hasn’t called since.”
His rejection has left Macy not wanting to have any relationship with her father.
“It’s Roger’s loss, no one else’s,” said Martha, who confessed: “Macy has already lost one child before and doesn’t need the stress.”
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The post Clinton’s Family Shame! Bill’s Good-For-Nothing Brother ‘Shunned His Own Daughter’ appeared first on Radar Online.
